Dear Jason,
I am Cabinet Member for Housing at Northampton Borough Council. Your email was passed on to me as the appropriate person to respond. As you have copied many people in to your email, I think it is only reasonable to include them in this reply.
I have made enquiries with Northampton Partnership Homes (NPH) to establish the history of the matter.
I am reassured that all action taken to date has been for your protection and wellbeing. The incident in December 2014 arose out of concern for your safety, it led to a complaint from you that was addressed and resolved in a letter from NPH dated 10th April 2015.[1]
More recently NPH have attempted to arrange access to inspect for Asbestos (October 2015), replace the boiler and undertake a full inspection of the electrical system (February 2016). The Boiler cannot be replaced until the Asbestos survey has taken place. You have been provided with temporary heating.
You have not responded to the many requests that have been made for access and it is this that has led to the recent letter pointing out that, if necessary, NPH will be left with no choice but to take court action to gain entry.[2]
NPH and the Borough Council have a ‘duty of care’ to our tenants, our staff and indeed the employees of the contractors working on our property. We take that duty most seriously. It is not our intention to cause you any distress but it is really very important that we gain access to undertake the necessary work described above and ensure that the property is safe for your occupation.
Please get in touch with Ladi Tobias, NPH Planned Investment Project Officer (you have the details), to make the necessary arrangements as a matter of urgency.
Best wishes,
Cllr. Stephen Hibbert
Cabinet Member for Housing
Councillor for Riverside Ward